
A university chaplain provides a ministry of presence: a person who will walk alongside and provide a safe space for wrestling with new concepts, light bulb moments, and even discovering new identities.
The Reverend Krista Hilton, Chaplin with Brock University
We are grateful to be able to provide financial support, guidance, and council to the much needed university chaplains.
Along with our ecumenical partners, our diocese supports university chaplaincies at Brock University, the University of Guelph, and McMaster University. The chaplaincies are places on campus for non-judgmental conversation, discernment, and connection with others. Chaplains can support students with academic, relational, spiritual, and financial concerns.
Each chaplaincy undertakes ministry that is contextual to its campus, but all provide personal support, a variety of programs that range from social justice to faith formation, as well as worship opportunities and places for prayer for all.
Our chaplaincies are well positioned to offer spiritual care to many students, including those who have left the church, those who remain connected but from a distance, and those who have never had a religious affiliation. Regardless of their background, many students have questions about the meaning and purpose of life. We are grateful to be able to support our chaplains.
For more information on Chaplaincies, please contact Sarah Bird, Program Consultant for Children, Youth, & Family Ministries by phone 905-527-1316 x430 or email.
The Mission to Seafarers
The Anglican Diocese of Nagaria is a proud supporter of The Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario. This ministry of care and compassion is part of our chaplaincy work.
We are grateful to be able to provide frontline volunteers who are there for seafarers in trouble, distress, or despair. Ours is the “Ministry of Small Gestures” as we visit every ship that arrives in our ports, bringing bags of chocolate and other small items as our welcome.
We also assist with local transportation for shopping, medical visits, and recreation, as well as bringing them to our Mission Stations. At the mission stations we provide free WiFi along with a friendly volunteers that will listen, commiseration in sadness, and celebration in joy. Ours is a ministry of hospitality where no seafarers will be left behind and where they know they are not isolated, but are valued.
Founded in 1856 through the work of many Anglican clergy, The Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario (Hamilton, Toronto and Oshawa) is part of the largest non-denominational, multi-faith ministry in the world. We serve seafarers of all faiths to no religious faith.
You can learn more about The Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario here.
Months away from family, limited food options and no doctors - Seafarers ensure that the goods Canada needs and exports arrive at our shores and they face some of the most dangerous and isolating conditions in the world. Let's help bring them peace of mind and show compassion.
New University Chaplain Appointed for Brock
By the Reverend Krista Hilton “We have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will
Discipleship and Mission: How do They Relate?
Just the other day, I was challenged about the idea of “mission” and being “missional.” My friend said, “You can’t put mission before discipleship.” He