Climate Justice Niagara

On October 30, 2021, Climate Justice Niagara (CJN) presented a motion at the Niagara Diocesan Synod, mandating CJN to assist parishes in reducing carbon emissions by 10% by 2024. The motion was passed with an astounding majority, further reflecting how the Diocese of Niagara continues to care for creation by making impactful changes.
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. – Psalm 24

The Mandate of Climate Justice Niagara
The people of the Diocese of Niagara have long expressed a concern for creation consistent with the Fifth Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion, “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.” In 2019, the synod of the diocese declared a climate emergency; Bishop Susan Bell urged Niagara Anglicans, “to live up to our responsibility as the protectors of God’s earth.”
Climate Justice Niagara equips the leaders and people of the diocese to live more deeply into the Fifth Mark of Mission and our diocesan Mission Action Plan within our parishes, homes, and communities and to be strong advocates for local and global change in the following ways:
Prayer – Ensure that prayers and concern for climate justice become an integral part of parish life. Promote prayer, fasting and sacred worship practices throughout the year, but particularly during the Season of Creation and Earth Sunday.
Education – Equip and inspire climate justice facilitators and teams by developing and disseminating resources. Maintain the Green Parish Accreditation Program and encourage parishes to participate. Disseminate current evidence-based knowledge about the climate crisis and environmental best practices.
Action – Provide climate justice facilitators and clergy and lay leaders with the tools to ensure their parishes can become more politically active, with an eye to the provision of impactful advocacy and care for God’s creation. Assist parishes reduce their carbon footprint by implementing the energy conservation measures as outlined in the accreditation program.
Advocacy – Model strong leadership and resolute political action to address the climate crisis. Support parish and diocesan leaders in recognizing the impact that climate change can have on vulnerable groups in our communities. Develop tools for parishes to ensure they become more politically active in environmental issues and climate justice.
Join us by volunteering or making a financial gift to support this good work. A committee has been struck and together we partner with other people and organizations who are working to protect our environment through:
- Strong leadership, education, and advocacy
- Carbon-neutral communities
- Clean air and water
- Healthy productive land
- Sustainable and secure food supplies
To learn more about Climate Justice Niagara please contact Deirdre Pike, Program Consultant, Social Justice & Outreach by phone 905-527-1316 x470 or email.
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